Tuesday 2 August 2016

South-west of Atherton 2

First posted on May 5, 2013

Moving on from Herberton, a short way down the road was a T-intersection, turn right for Ravenshoe and, in smaller print, Misty Mountains. I turned right and straight away hit the mist. I was in and out of it for the rest of the day. Plus some rain. But what a gorgeous drive to Ravenshoe, a small town to Atherton’s large hub. And to have rainforest, rather implies rain as a prerequisite. It wasn’t unpleasant at all, and still quite warm.
Low cloud
Not so low cloud
Approaching Tumoulin
The other side of Ravenshoe I soon caught sight of the wind farm that I skirted for quite some time. These are controversial developments, spoiling the beauty of the countryside and all that. But I rather like them, the graceful sweeping of the blades.
Before I got to the turn-off to the official viewing site, I came close to the pot of gold …..
Approaching the summit of Windy Hill I came across one of several herds of cattle moving across the road. These are the most beautiful animals. If I were a pet person, I’d much rather have one of these than a cat (never!) or a dog. Truly!! This is one of the largest dairying areas in Australia apparently. I was surprised by the number of different breeds of cattle that I saw – not that I know or remember the names of any of them!
By the time I got to the viewing site, only one turbine was visible and I looked back to where my car was and couldn’t see it – a mere 200m away! 
I gave that up as a bad joke and headed back to the car. Halfway there, incredibly, the cloud blew away. It was a matter of seconds. 
Cloud band rolling away
I was on the “no caravans” road to Millaa Millaa. The turn-off to Pepina falls was unmade road so I gave it a miss. The turn-off to Souita Falls was nicely sealed – for 5km!! Then a couple of Big Potholes, then gravel and I did a U-ey. No repeat of the Broken Hill experience, especially not in a hire car!
Never forgetting ... near Mutawintji National Park
out of Broken Hill, NSW
Pretty much the rest of the drive back to Atherton was in rolling rainforest and open grazing land, rain falling much of the time. All very green, needless to say.
Then it was back to the paternal grandparents’ place for tea. I am so appreciative of their warm welcome and hospitality. It was the Boston Babies 1st birthday. Their mother had made a fantastic cake, ready for the next day’s big celebrations.