Tuesday 2 August 2016

Blessed Day – Sunday 5 May, 2013

First posted on May 6, 2013

The day started with Mass, it’s been a while. It was not altogether pleasing to get back to 70s folk hymns after the German (in English) hymns and the Bach cantatas with the Lutherans that I occasionally attend in Melbourne. After Mass was the Baptism …. all straight forward, relaxed, friendly, the babies perfectly behaved, smiling throughout the whole affair. I was holding the beautiful Kiera before the Baptism when I experienced one of those “jokes that I didn’t think were real” moments. Someone coming out of Mass, having looked at them both, asked if the twins were identical – well, not quite, one being a girl and the other being a boy!! Quite apart from the fact that they look totally unalike, one fair the other dark, just for starters.
Non-identical twin girl
Non-identical twin boy
But more dumbness was to come, with me as the bunny. Read on below ......

Again, back to the paternal grandparents’ for more fabulous feasting.
Set to celebrate
The house is in a beautiful setting on a piece of land that drops away at the back to the Johnstone River.
Front garden
Back garden from the house
Looking to the bend in the river
At water's edge
Looking from the river to the house
I was the source of a bit of entertainment for a while. Totally gullible, when I was down at the river Grandad came along and told me he’d spotted a crocodile recently. Hey, look! There it is!! Well, this is the tropics, it’s not all that long since I had quite a bit of croc education in the Kimberley, and my eyesight, even with my new, extra-expensive glasses, still isn’t all that flash. I fell hook, line and sinker! Of course, now I see the photo on screen, magnified, I can see perfectly well that it was fake. I did feel rather stupid:-/
This is a fake croc!!!
But that was soon forgotten as the feast began, toasts were drunk. Later, children were played with, later still, presents were opened. And all the while, two beautiful babies were handed around and smiled through lots and lots of cuddles from everyone there.
A day of many blessings.
Finally, it was time to leave ….
On the way back to my motel I did a Very Quick drive through Yungaburra, stopping only long enough to snap what I would have thought belonged in an historical village, not a town park – a jungle gym climbing frame from my childhood era!
Monkey bars at Yungaburra
I made two longer but still short stop-offs after that. The first was at the Curtain Fig Tree just out of Yungaburra. A fascinating bit of tree life.

The second stop-off was at Halloran’s Hill Lookout in Atherton  where the cloudy views were extensive for pretty much 360 deg.

Finally back at the motel – no need for tea tonight!!!