Tuesday 2 August 2016

What’s that ….. smell?!

First posted on March 1, 2004

Rain on earth – beautiful.
Eucalypt plantations – sweet.
Burning – of recently made fire-breaks. Both fear and caution in the air
Road kill – sad. I’ve not noticed the smell penetrate the car before as it did on this trip, mostly well-mangled kangaroos and wallabies but there was one wombat that merely looked asleep except it was upside down.
Turf farms – unnatural. I saw more turf farms on this trip than I recall ever seeing before. In supposedly straitened financial times, I’d have thought providing turf for instant lawns would not have been profitable business. I must be wrong.
Water – H2S …. pheeewwwww!!! At Kaniva there were warnings in the motel room, including bathroom, not to drink the water from the tap, not to clean your teeth with it without boiling, and even take care not to swallow any while showering. It was bore water. I noticed nothing when I turned on the tap to wash my hands. But turning on the shower – then you noticed it, and how! What a pong! No need for the warnings not to swallow any while showering!!
Driving along the Coorong the smell was very similar. I don’t remember that from 40+ years ago either!!!
Along the Coorong