Tuesday 8 May 2012

On the move again ...

There was one thing I didn't anticipate when I arrived home from my US-Canada adventure … the desire, at last, to see more of Australia. I'd thought some things I'd like to do would be beyond me, as a solo traveller. As serendipity would have it, while I was away, friends did a Kimberley tour. Robyn was so enthusiastic, both about the tour and the possibility of doing it as a solo, that I investigated. In the end I settled on a two part trip, two parts basically to fit in my leave at work around other people, seeing as I had first choice of leave in 2011.
Now, I'm about to set off for eight days in Central Australia. Later, in August-September, I'll take 3½ weeks to travel through the Kimberley, starting at Alice Springs, crossing the Tanami Desert to Broome, then through the Kimberley itself to Darwin.
I've been training (a rather overblown description), so now I'm as fit as I'll ever be to tackle the Centre, starting on Saturday. I've re-read “A Town Like Alice”, not that that's got much to do with Alice at all, but it was every bit as enjoyable the second time around as it was the first. I'm feeling apprehensive – Has my 'training' been enough? Will I cope with my first-time-ever camping experience? … a whole two nights out of the eight that I'm away! Why do I seem to have so much to take? … to cover the warm days and cold, very cold nights.
If nothing else, I hope to learn by experience so I'm better prepared for the second part of this next great adventure.
So … hey ho, off we go!!!