Sunday 13 May 2012

Alice Springs - Day 1, 12 May 2012

As is my wont, close to departure date I contacted all the companies with whom I had bookings to confirm that everything was set to go. I was rather shocked when one day tour came back “Cancelled.” I wonder when I'd have found out if I hadn't contacted them.
Then I arrived to find my hotel booking had been changed – one night less and the place is completely booked. The latter problem I'm ignoring, simply won't be moving out on the wrong date. The former problem though is a cloud with silver lining.
Wide Brown Land

I arrived in Alice Springs after an uneventful flight. That's saying something since immediately behind me were sitting 18 teenage girls on a school trip. After a couple of screams on take-off, they settled down and were pretty well behaved. I also had an empty seat beside me. It's been a while!

My hotel room, internally, is fine, but otherwise is the single woman traveller's special: at the front, next to the lift at the point where every guest will wander by; at the rear, the prison courtyard, tiny to accommodate the corner everyone has to turn and no view. If you'd shown me a floor plan of the place, I'd have instantly known this is the room they'd give me. Ho hum.

After settling in I set off exploring. It's a 20 minute walk into the town proper. I detoured via Olive Pink Botanical Gardens. The safe didn't appear to have enough choice for lunch but there was a hill there to climb, Meyers Hill. I climbed it in anticipation of the climb to King's Canyon Rim, coming up later in the week. I suspect King's Canyon will be more difficult but with a bit of puffing and panting I made this one and went on to walk quite a way – 16,500 steps for the day for the pedometer brigade - so I'm feeling OK about what's to come.
Where am I?

In Central Australia
Adelaide House - First Hospital
Today was planned as a familiarising half day following arrival so it didn't matter that quite a few places were closed. And therein is the silver lining to my cancelled tour booking. I found a replacement tour (to Palm Valley) for next Saturday, a day on which I was going to have a hire car and see some local sights. Instead I have the car on Monday when more places will be open. Winner!
Stuart Town Gaol

With the exception of a handful of landmarks, the town centre is far from historic. It could be any other shopping centre except for the setting: a vista of magnificent trees at the end of the main streets, rugged hills all about. Oh, and all the Aboriginal art souvenir shops. The weather was just about perfect so, although I was 'only' wandering in the town centre, it really was a most pleasant afternoon. The route to and from the city from my hotel was along the banks of the Todd River – where the annual boat race is cancelled if there's water in the river!
Todd River

Back to the hotel for dinner and an early night in anticipation of an early start to the West Macdonnell Ranges in the morning. Sightseeing starts in earnest!